'β€œIt really does take a village for us to educate our children.” - Maria Palma, Arts Office Executive Director

My Role as an EDI Coach

  • Citywide Workshops

    The Arts Office provides funding, curricula, and training to arts teachers in NYC public schools. Its key initiative, the Connected Arts Network (CAN), is a citywide program promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). I am one of seven coaches responsible for planning citywide EDI trainings, which impact approximately 1,000 arts teachers and 700,000 students. CAN survey data reveals an 11% increase in teachers' understanding of culturally responsive education and a 7% increase in students' sense of belonging.

  • Regional Trainings

    I specifically represent the South Brooklyn and Staten Island region. There, alongside the Brooklyn Borough Arts President, I co-lead CAN facilitators in training 120 teachers to analyze data and develop strategies that advance EDI. Our work impacts approximately 62,000 students. This year we focused on improving teacher retention by organizing more engaging events and creating opportunities for teachers to gain recognition for their meaningful work.

  • Intervisitations

    The CAN lead team plans citywide intervisitations, where teachers observe each other and share best practices. I co-host intervisitations for the South Brooklyn and Staten Island region, using artist-centered feedback protocols to ensure that teachers' instructional goals are observed, supported, and refined.